Frequently Asked Questions
What do MFE grants support?
We support Medway Public School's faculty and administrators, parents, students, and community members who may apply for funding in support of enrichment projects that benefit Medway public school students. The MFE funds a broad range of projects, from those that focus on traditional academic subjects, to others in the visual and performing arts, and still others that promote multi-cultural and community learning experiences. Descriptions of recent grants from other town foundations may be found on the Medway Public Schools website.
MFE-funded programs should enhance, but not duplicate, the standard public school curriculum. We look for innovative, creative ideas that fall outside the ordinary school budget, yet promise to augment the curricula in a meaningful way. The Foundation encourages projects that demonstrate a partnership between teachers, schools and disciplines. MFE grants do not underwrite basic school needs. If you have questions about whether your project would merit consideration by the MFE Annual Grant Committee, feel free to contact the Chairperson for clarification under the about tab.
Who decides whether a project gets funded?
The MFE Annual Grant Committee reviews grant applications each March. The Annual Grant Committee is a diverse group. In June, the Committee makes funding recommendations to the MFE Board of Directors, which votes on whether to approve these recommendations. The Grant Committee may choose to offer partial funding at its discretion. The Foundation encourages collaborative funding and invites applicants to seek partial or additional funding from other sources.
What makes an annual grant application successful?
- The application must be complete and comply with deadlines. It should include a clear, typed presentation of the request on the appropriate forms. The application should be clearly written and understood by non-educators. It must include all authorizing signatures.
- The proposal should demonstrate creativity and innovation in educational programming and target a significant number of children in the Medway school system.
- The project may seed an initiative that could be later replicated in other schools or grades or expanded as a large grant, promising to benefit students in future years.
- The proposal may be a collaborative effort between educators, schools, parents or others to reach children in multiple classrooms, grade levels or schools.
- If the proposal includes a request for equipment funding, the application should detail an educational program in which the equipment would be used. Technological hardware requests need to be pre-approved by Medway Schools’ Director of Media and Technology Services.
- The proposal should provide a plan for additional non-MFE funding, if necessary.
- The applicants agree to account for and report on the project once funded.
- The proposal should not seek repeat funding for a previously approved project or retroactive funding for an existing project.
- The proposal should not seek funds for transportation or substitute teachers.
What are the goals of the MFE?
- Establish fundraising events and, in turn, distribute the proceeds to the schools in the form of grants for innovative programs that go beyond those which can be funded by the town as part of Medway’s core curriculum.
- To raise $1 million that will create an endowment on the basis of principal and investment income. The principal will create a legacy foundation to support the schools on a consistent basis regardless of successful or unsuccessful fundraising years.
- Combine Parent/Community involvement, grant writing, project definition and strategies to seek out creative and innovative programs to bring our educational curriculum to a higher standard.
- Promote awareness of the cost of education and the positive impact on our community when we support our schools.
What is MFE's Approach?
- Every dollar received by MFE is intended for use at the schools either in the form of a grant or building the endowment.
- Collect funds by direct contribution of businesses and local citizens in the Medway community
- Plan and execute special events for fundraising (annual drive, Medway’s Most Wanted, etc.)
- Plan and execute grant-writing efforts to raise contributions from foundations and other non-profit organizations
- Develop and execute a comprehensive marketing, public relations, social media, and educational program that creates community awareness about Medway School District needs and projects and their impact on Medway's quality of education
What will be funded?
- Innovative educational projects that fall outside the normal school budget
- Guest speakers, consultants, artists or performers who assist in the project’s implementation
- Tuition, training, and travel expenses related to the project’s goals; stipends for staff time beyond contracted hours
- Equipment, materials, supplies required for completing the project
Who is on the board of MFE?
Our board is comprised of business professionals, parents and educators in the areas of Public Relations, Marketing, Direct Mailing, Design, Asset Management, Legal, Accounting and Education. Each Board Member has donated their time and services for free. There are no paid employees of the MFE. The goal is to keep our costs as low as possible while still realizing that there will be expenses related to creating public awareness and funding the fundraisers.